The shelf and its sparse nature generally bring a smile to my face. Its refreshing to unencumbered with stuff, to be free of its limiting magnetic pull. I could move house in ten minutes tops. I guess it also speaks of poverty and the pdf. Both of which I've got used to since returning to college. I don't foresee any additions to the shelf, in fact I reckon the Color will go under the sink soon, the Nuer will return to its natural habitat, which will leave me neatly with the Aesthetic and the Antiseptic.
Bookcase inventory
Top Shelf:
Two books - 'Nuer Religion' by E.E. Evans-Pritchard and 'The Anti-Aesthetic'- Essays on Postmodern Culture edited by Hal Foster. As both are seminal works in their respective fields it is no surprise that we find some cross referencing to our Billy course.
Neur Religion, a significant ethnographic study in terms of approach and insight, is referenced in the 'Doing Ethnography' article by Cook/Crang, and Robert Venturi/Learning from Las Vegas is referred to in at least two out of the nine essays in the Anti-Aesthetic.
Bottom Shelf:
Color by COOP and W5 Multi-Surface Wipes
This bottom shelf can be seen perhaps as a homage to our Vegas investigations. The intense spectral chromosity of the COOP Color Box and the bright yellow of the W5 grabbing our visual attention a la details from the cover image of 'Learning from Las Vegas' (and Ikea itself). Or perhaps not.
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