Interview about the “Billy bookcase”
Sara is 28 years old and is student from Konstfack, University College of Arts, Crafts and Design. Lives in Stockholm, in 2 room apartment. She has her Billy bookcase in the livingroom. She recently had to move, so at the moment the bookcase is stored.
Q : Where did you buy the Billy bookshelf ? R: Well, I bought it at IKEA, at Kungens Kurva. Q: Did you think about buying it used ? Well, I actually think I looked at “Blocket”, but you know it is so cheap to buy it at IKEA. But you know what, later I added these top shelf’s and I bought them at “Blocket”.
Q: How did you manages to get it home ? R: My parents, where here at visit and they where in car, so they help me with the transport. Q: Do your parents live in Stockholm?
Q: Did you know before you went to IKEA, what kind of bookshelf that you wanted ? R: Yes, I knew that it would be a Billy, because it would fit perfect into my flat, between the sofa and the wall. Q:So you knew what kind of color and the size before going there ? R: Yes, I knew it should be white or maybe I thought of the light wood.
Q: Do you use it for books or do you store anything else in the bookshelf ? R: It is primarily books, but I do also have some objects there that I like Q: That you would like to show or display ? R: Yes they are for displaying, it is things that have a personal meaning to me.I have a lot of compendium from school, they are behind some other books, I don’t want to display them, they are not so nice to look at.
Q: Are you happy about the bookshelf , do it serve the function that you where wishing for? R: Yes, it fits perfect in my apartment and it is very practical, that you can get extra shelf’s to it…know it is not so white any longer, it has become more yellow..
Q: are you often buying books, that you are adding to the bookshelf ? R: No, it is not that often, well I do buy paperback books, but I don’t really store them, I often give them away when I read them. I have a bookshelf at my parents, there are a lot of old and nice books that is stored there, I could not bring them with me when I moved here. Q: Is it also a Billy ? R: Yes, it actually is ! : ) Q: so the Billy bookcase is popular in your family R: Well, it is simple, practical and a good price yes it is a “billig Billy” ! ( in Swedish )
Sara took pictures of her home, before she was moving out, she provide me with this picture.
Cheap Billy? Is that like a Cheap Date?