Cardboard Digital Camera by IKEA
It's Nice That : Bookshelf
Ever wondered what’s on the bookshelf of some of your favourite creatives? What books they turn to in need of inspiration or reference? Whether they’re a messy Mary or a tidy Tina? Well look no further, because every week we invite someone from the creative industries to share with us not only a rundown of their favourite five books in the whole ruddy world, but also a real-life picture of the shelf on which these esteemed titles live.
Great Bookshelf Photos
Ikea's MÄNLAND Is an Incredible Play Land for Men
IKEA Hackers: Hacked Ikea kitchen timers shoot time lapses
IKEA Redesigns Classic Bookshelf, Foreshadows the Demise of Books - TIME NewsFeed
Getty Images
Citing a changing climate in the reading world, the furniture authorities are putting a new spin on the old bookshelf – redesigning it to store anything but books.
The storage mavens at IKEA have noticed a shift in what consumers are storing in their bookshelves. After all, a Kindle can hold thousands more books than a wooden tower in the living room. According to The Economist, IKEA will release a new version of its classic BILLY bookshelf next month, one that's focused less on storing books than storing, well, anything and everything else. The company is finding that customers use their shelves increasingly for “ornaments, tchotchkes and the odd coffee-table tome,” and less so for reading material.
Nick Carbone is a reporter at TIME. Find him on Twitter at @nickcarbone. You can also continue the discussion on TIME's Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.
READ: How IKEA Survived a Bad Economy
The Golden Shelf has a FB Page
Well it was only a mater of time before The Golden Shelf found it's way to Facebook. Feel free to post an image of your Golden Shelf or Object.
IKEA Hackers: Lil' BILLY Mobile Research Lab

The golden shelf discovery!- Science Forums Broadcasting | Radio Sweden
Golden Shelf Discovered in Stockholm
A correlation between the 4th shelf in IKEA’s Billy Bookshelf and the Golden Section used in art, architecture, and book design for centuries has been discovered. The researchers call their discovery the Golden Shelf.
If Ikea Made Manuals For Sci-Fi Movies
Radiolab Reads: A Virtual Bookshelf - Radiolab
Bookshelf Blog
Things Organized Neatly

Lil' Billy Mobile Research Lab' flatpack lil' brother makes it on "Things Organized Neatly" thanks for the heads up Christine!
Lil' BILLY rides the T-bana

"producing a solid cast of where the space within a
container would be..." - Rachel Whiteread - Untitled bookcase
Las Vegas Studio
If interested, you can download it here:
Temple Grandin

Tools of Tradecraft: More Spy Gear From the CIA, Others | Threat Level
A Virgins Guide to Ikea
As an impoverished wannabe spartan eschewing the odious collection of 'stuff' and with an 'ah sure this will do' attitude Ikea has never entered high on list of priorities, never made it to a mid-life bucket list and the Ikea evangelists entreaties have largely fallen on deaf ears, blinkered eyes, upturned nose and perhaps more importantly hands pulled out of empty pockets a la Charlie Chaplin in tramp mode. This assignment had changed that. I had John and Johan's money for a start. Accompanying me was Sille, a Danish native, very accustomed to the the way of Ikea and if I were to continue my 'virgin' simile I would have to call her a very bad name indeed.
Personal bookcase inventory
How Top Chefs Fly with Their Knives : The New Yorker

#2 interview- "The curve of smile"
p.s. All the pictures and videos are cited from their blog.
Oda's Billy
Group Project

Spatializing and Personalizing Billy
The project sets out to use the Billy Bookcase as a site where interactions between the space and the individual are played out. In other words, we would like use this project to illustrate what the space does to the individual as well as what the individual does to the space.
Project members
Annika, Darcy, Dasha, Som and Yi-Ying
Description of the project
Our idea is to imagine the Billy bookcase both as a space and as a person. What we will do is to create three distinctive layers out of two Billy bookcases. The middle layer will symbolize the private sphere whereas the remaining two layers the public sphere. In order to demonstrate the fluidity of the boundary between the private and the public, we want to take away the back of the bookcases so there is no distinction between the front and the back. We would also like to mobilize the bookcases by adding wheels to them so each layer can be moved by the viewer. Furthermore, the boundary between the private and the public is further challenged by complicating the middle layer. What we want to do is to use cellophane to further divide the middle layer into two halves. The quality of cellophane can create a sense of ambiguity where the viewer can only vaguely see the objects behind the cellophane.
We have not decided on the content of this project, that is, “things” we will put in the bookcases. We have agreed that the content will be determined by the material we have collected through our interviews with Billy owners. We are thinking about including both tangible and intangible things (audio, visual or smell etc.)
Materials required
Two Billy bookcases, wheels, hinges, handles and cellophane.
Storage, Interaction and Dance at IKEA
It's called Post-Wedding Depression, and is a performance with and by my friends in the Stockholm-based dancing troupe Johanssons Pelargoner och Dans.
they saw me coming

A Room Full of Stories
Interview #2
Billy is Timeless
Interview #2
Couple’s Billy

The Interventionist's Toolkit: Posters, Pamphlets and Guides
via places.designobserver.com
Impressions of IKEA
Would be a shame if these pictures would languish at my harddrive, so here's some impressions from our (me, Parisa and Yi-Ying) trip to IKEA a couple of weeks ago!
'Billy' connects people! ( Second interview)
Interview 2
Memories on transit Billy

Thinking About Kits
Billy for Sale